Understanding student, teacher, leader and stakeholder perceptions is the first step toward strengthening school culture, a critical component of positive student learning outcomes.
Sustaining success, or striving to achieve it, requires educators to continually explore the question, why change? WE Survey perception data provides school leadership with a tangible starting point to engage stakeholders in a discussion that begins to answer that question. The WE Survey reports illuminate key data points that can help generate constructive questions, reflection, challenges, and discussions with staff. Once the question of "why change" is answered, the questions of "what" and "how" to improve a school's effectiveness can be explored. Review survey administration and reporting options below.
TIER 1 - Standard:
Administration of any single or combination of WE Surveys
Reports for each WE Survey are generated online for each school with a composite report created for the district
Spanish language versions are available at no extra cost
Comparison WE Learn/WE Teach reports and analysis guides are generated online for each school
If a school has a grade configuration that includes both 5th and 6th grades, it will not be charged for two WE Learn Surveys
TIER 2 - Customized/Enhanced Off-site:
Includes augmentation to the standard administration procedure and/or reporting. Examples include:
Additional Variable (e.g., grade level, years teaching, etc.)
Comparison to historical national norms with qualitative data analysis
Multi-year comparison with qualitative data analysis
Changing the wording in a WE Survey
Adding new items to a WE Survey
TIER 3 - Customized/Enhanced On-site or Virtual:
On-site or virtual consultation along with survey administration and reports. Best option for those interested in utilizing WE survey data in strategic planning for systemic school change.